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Monday, July 4, 2016

Tohei's Leather Jacket

Aikido fosters a better world by creating and nurturing better people.

Unfortunately I've never been clear how.  One thousand Kotegaeshi is not a path to world peace or enlightenment though certainly the persistence and dedication to practice creates many physical and mental benefits.

Nishio Sensei told this story to Stanley Pranin about Koichi Tohei's leather jacket.  I tried to find the original Aikido Journal article but this Australian dojo has faithfully reproduced it.  I love this story because this is the most concrete advice on how to live your life from O Sensei that I know of.  Take responsibility for your openings.

I don't want to fall into victim blaming, and I don't want to advocate paranoia.  I do agree that strong fences make for good neighbours.

Taking responsibility for openings has so many implications for day to day life.  Online presence.  Financial decisions.  Relationship advice.  Career choices.  Home safety.  Driving.  Bad weather responses.  "Hold my beer and watch this." 

First be safe.  Consider the potential for danger or loss, and take responsibility.  Maybe make a plan, maybe develop a solution but try to see the issue before it becomes a problem.  I should know when I am taking a chance.

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